戚亦寒虽然是面带笑容,但是眉眼间却满是戾气。不过这警察倒是什么都不怕,却没想到不小心露出了他的大花臂,这让戚亦寒不得不说了句:“不干净。”他知道那警察听不懂,所以这才敢说的。谁料那警察下意识地说了句:“What?”(什么。)戚亦寒笑了笑,说:“It。's nothing. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask it, and I will answer it truthfully.”(没什么。您有什么想问的就问吧,我如实回答就好。)这估计也是这警察在职这么多年,第一次看到这么听他话的了。
“What。's it called? How old? Where people?”(叫什么?多少岁?哪里人?)
“Love Q.Twenty-eight years old, Z country.”(Love Q。二十八岁,Z国人。)
“Love Q?”
“Yes, this is my English name.”戚亦寒估计想到了这人待会儿肯定会问自己的中文名字,但是想了想却还是觉得不说了。
“When did you find the That corpse?”(你是什么时候发现那具尸体的?)
“Three fifty _ four p. m.”(下午三点五十四分。)
“According to the forensic doctor, the body died about an hour ago. So what were you doing an hour ago? Have you seen this body?”(据法医说,这具尸体大概是在一个小时之前死的。那么你一个小时之前在干什么?你见过这具尸体吗?)
“I can tell you responsibly an hour ago that I was on the plane, and I didn。't even have a chance to contact him. Besides, this man is a pool of rotten meat after I saw him. If you ask me if I have seen him, you must tell me his name. And what is his itinerary, is it possible that other people killed him? Why don。't you ask me?”(我一个小时之前我可以很负责任地告诉你,我是在飞机上,连接触他的机会都没有。而且这个人我看到之后就是一摊烂肉了,你要是问我见没见过他,总得告诉我他叫什么吧。而且他的行程是什么样的,有没有可能是其它人杀的,这些你怎么都不问我?)说完,低头暗暗骂了句,“傻|逼。”
“Who the hell are you! How can the case be judged so accurately! Now I。'm asking you a question. I thought you said you answered truthfully!”(你到底是什么人!怎么会对于案件有这么精准地判断!我现在是在问你问题,你不是说你如实回答吗!)
“You didn。't even give me some basic conditions. How can I answer your questions? I don。't know anything, and I might know this person if you tell me his name, but you didn。't even tell me his name. This is your problem.”(你连一些基本的条件都没给我我怎么回答你的问题啊!我什么都不知道,而且这个人你要是告诉我名字我没准儿能认识,但是你连名字都没告诉我这就是你的问题了。)
“Jack Edward!”
戚亦寒当然知道他说的这是什么意思,于是笑了笑,对他摇了摇头,说:“There are many people with this name in the world. How do I know which one you are talking about? Are there any basic features? Tell me something?”(世界上叫这个名字的人多了去了,我怎么知道你说的是哪个?基本特征有没有?跟我说一下?)
“Are you sure you don。't know this man?”(你确定你不认识这个人?)
“Comrade policeman, I。'm quite sure I don。't know this man. Besides, with so many namesake names, how do I know which one you are talking about? And police comrades, please leave me alone. This matter really has nothing to do with me. I am an ordinary civilian. If you don。't believe it, you can check the monitoring there. In such a short time, I can。't tamper with your monitoring in public and fair! So if you don。't believe me, check the surveillance.”(警察同志,我十分确定我不认识这个人。何况这么多同名同姓的,我怎么知道你说的是哪个?而且警察同志你就放过我吧,这件事情跟我真的没有半点关系,我就是个普通的平民老百姓,你们要是不信的话可以去查那里的监控。这么短的时间内,我不可能在大庭广众之下光明正大地篡改你们的监控吧!所以你们要是不信我的话就去查监控。)说完,还补了一句,“On the premise that you believe me.”(在你们相信我的前提下。)