Si and her parents ran on the beach, crying out her brother’s name;
Some lifeguards searched in the sea;
Si’ mother yelled and cried hysterically.
At last, the screen froze at the close-up of Si. At this time, many kinds of off-screen voices rang up disorderly:
Lifeguards: He must have been drawn into the sea.
Si’s mother: It was all your fault! You are such a hoodoo! You killed my son!
Si’s father: Don’t say that kind of nonsense!
Voices faded away gradually, the voice of Si’s cry got louder and louder, at last, Si shouted herself hoarse: Yu, where you are!
Scene 4
In the hallway of the hospital, Si and Yuan walked side by side. Every now and then Yuan snatched a look across at Si. And every time Yuan looked at her, Si cast a gracious □□ile in his direction.
Yuan: We must wait a week for the result, right?
Si: Ah, yes.
Yuan: Do……do I resemble your brother?
Si: Yeah.
Yuan (incredulous but longing): So……I have dad and mom like others, and…… (looked at Si) I also has a sister!
Si (□□iled in peace, looked at Yuan with a doting expression in her eyes): Pretty near, you know, you are an orphan……
Yuan(anticipated): What’s more, I was found by the sea, I didn’t remember anything about what had happened and who I am!
Si □□iled in satisfied silence. Yuan scratched his head shyly. He intended to say something but at last hesitated. There was a kind of anxiety in his radiant □□ile. From then, his heart hung in a quandary.
Scene 5
There were lots of landscapes of this seaside city, accompanied with the sceneries of the two persons’ happy hours. The background music may be some tiny ditty which was romantic and lovely.
The actor and the actress didn’t need rehearsals. They must be improvisational. What they ought to show was the real life, the happiness and the love.
Scene 6
At dusk, in the beacon, Si and Yuan leaned on the window and looked at the setting sun on the sea horizon.
Yuan (against the wind and breathed deeply): I want to have a look at them.
Si hesitated for a moment, then she found a photograph of Si’s family in her cell phone, which was taken before her brother was lost. She handed her phone to Yuan.
Yuan: Wow! How beautiful Mom was! How handsome Dad was! And you…… (looked at Si, □□iled shyly) how ugly you were!
Si: Go along with you!
Yuan: This boy (pointed at Si’s brother) is me, is that true? So…… so incredible!
Si: You ought to believe! Must believe! I’ve been searching for you for 17 years, even God has no idea to let me down again! My Yu! Just believe!
Yuan (retracted the □□ile, frustrated): My name is Yuan.
Si: (puzzled) Do……do you worry about it? (□□iled confidently) Nearly! Sure it will be! You must be my brother!
Yuan (in the expression of thinking something and □□iled unnaturally): So, you are my sister.
Si (held Yuan。's hand, in buoyant spirits): Of course!
Yuan (hard to speak out): Can……can I kiss you?
Si (perplexed): What?
Yuan: I’m afraid that I’ll be unaccustomed to having a sister then. So, I want to rehearse how to kiss my sister.
Si (nodded with hesitating mind): Okay.
They closed to each other shyly. Si turned her left cheek towards Yuan. However, Yuan kissed her lips.
Si was logy for a while, and then beat Yuan with great anxiousness.
When they were apart, Si was still in a state of shock, while Yuan was calm as nothing had happened. Si got the mood of Yuan, she escaped.
Scene 7
Yuan went out the beacon at a loss. He saw Si sitting at the corner.
Si (looked at the distant sea): Even if you are not my brother, we can’t do that.
Yuan (anxiously): Why?
Si: My fate……I restrain the Yang.
Yuan: W……What does it mean?
Si (with a tearful voice): After two years of my brother’s disappear, my father died a sudden death in a car crash. Someone told my fortune that, I will kill all the men coming into my life.
Yuan: Nonsense!
Si: Once I had a boyfriend at the university, but he fell ill suddenly……
Yuan: Did he die?
Si: No, we parted in time.
Yuan: You left him, ah?
Si:(Keep silent)
Yuan: I don’t believe!
Scene 8
Outside the hospital, it was raining with great thunders and lightning. Si was waiting under the awning anxiously. She called Yuan by her cell phone.
Yuan (voice in the phone): I’m coming! You may go in now and I will be there soon.
Si: No! I want us together!
Yuan (voice in the phone): Okay, I。'll be with you momentarily. Wait for me!
After hanging up, Si’ heart was full of vague anxiousness. She suddenly broadened her eyes.
Off-screen voice came in, it was Yuan’s words, repetitive and multiple: wait for me!